Thread: 85.6 mpg
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Old 06-18-2011, 07:09 AM   #12 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 119

Laura the Lancer - '81 Mitsibishi lancer LX
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i found no significant increase in fuel economy when i increased my ignition timing, but boy did the extra power help on hills etc...

my engine loves ignition advance, stock is 8 deg btdc
I run 98ultimate in my car and it handles 20deg btdc easily, idles alot better and is alot easier to start in the morning.

even if you dont see and increase in fuel economy, its definatly worth doing.

im going to try for 25 btdc soon but i just need to wait for my mechanic mate to bring his tools so we can hear when it pinks
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