Originally Posted by Duffman
I myself am getting sick of the lies from the extreme left and the extreme right of the political spectrum. It is to bad we dont teach our kids to think for themselves and see through the heaps of BS.
Too bad we can't teach everyone to think for themselves and see through the heaps of BS.
I could imagine a world where peer-reviewed scientific studies with neutral viewpoints were looked at and learned from for their own merit instead of being filtered through politics, politicians, and corporate greed.
Imagine what the world would be like if JP Morgan
hadn't asked Tesla "Where can I put the meter?" Its too bad the betterment of society so often suffers for the betterment of individuals' bank accounts. Do people need to be forced to conserve? Yes; in this case its geo-political and market forces. Is the majority of people smart enough to see the writing on the wall and be proactive about it? Nope. I just hope to put myself in a position where energy prices don't impact me as much as the next guy and hopefully spread the word, but then phrases relating to leading horses to water and herding cats begin to apply.