You've offered a lot of brain food to consider. However, I'm looking at the quantitative effect:
(2.1-2.3)/2.3 = 89% or -11% friction reduction fuel savings
I'm running a little over 50 MPG so I could be looking at 55.5 MPG.
My thinking is I want to do one maximum, engine oil system cleaning to remove the bulk gunk and residual material. Then I want an effective capture system for new material, especially the small stuff, that supports effective removal without costing a mint. So this is what I'm thinking:
- Reusable K&R filter, S9 - uses a micro machined, stainless steel trap, not filter paper, in an aluminum billet. Comes with a built-in magnet, $140.
- loose weave, carbon fiber and glass fiber mat - layered over the bottom of the oil pan with an oil-tight, electrical connection. The layers are arranged so a high-voltage between them electrostaticly attracts and fixes suspended material. Since it is a large surface area at the lowest gravitational point, it complements the forced filter and over time, loads up with the smaller debris and gunk. Monitoring the leakage current indicates the relative load.
I don't mind dropping the pan every 5+ years to remove the fine material and using a reusable filter that should easily cost less than disposable filters.
Bob Wilson