Originally Posted by actwithclarity
How do you know the electricity you're using isn't generated by burning coal (a fossil fuel) or uranium (another non-renewable resource)?
Do you have a windmill in your back yard and can only drive after a windy day?
Do you ask your electricity provider to only route to your house electricity generated by ruining rivers (dams) or killing birds (windmills)?
Do you pretend like you're drawing from the 5% of energy from hydro plants on the grid, and everyone else is using the dirty stuff?
I try to make sure mine comes straight from the least efficient coal plant in America that is on the verge of being condemned. Sometimes I get even luckier and my city fires up diesel generators from the 1950's: those REALLY put out the pollution!! But even then the efficiency of those things blows the doors off the cleanest burning gas car's 15% efficiency.....