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Old 06-22-2011, 11:41 PM   #13 (permalink)
Learning quick
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: acton
Posts: 23

Good Altima - '06 Nissa Altima 2.5s
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Good info here. Thanks everyone. The gas station that i go to is at the top of a hill on my way to work. And its never busy cause I leave at 5am. So stopping is no issue. I also live at the top of a mountain so my commute to work is 20.2 km long. On a good day im engine on coasting for 10.6 of those 20.2 km. Thats why I usually get 44mpg on my way in to work. There are 5 lights before i finally get to work. So the drive the other way back home is ....

you guessed it. BRUTAL. I start off with 5 lights, sometimes all green and sometimes all red. Then i have to climb the mountain. I usually average about 34mpg on the way back home. So on an average day i get about 39mpg round trip. On an auto 2006 altima 2.5s i think that's pretty good. So for my original question.. I guess it would be negligible to fill up all the way or just part way. Not enough lights. And alot of coasting.
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