Originally Posted by jamesqf
No, "sensibly" means minimizing the use of gasoline, while still keeping the benefits of unlimited range and not being stranded when the battery runs out.
NO, that is not the context you first used the term "sensibly" it in at all!!! It was in response to my statement about efficiency, and you said "Not if it were done sensibly", see here:
Originally Posted by jamesqf
Originally Posted by dcb
.i.e. 7.5kwh kohler runs at 1.4gph, times charging losses, times discharging losses, times controller losses, times motor losses, before you get to an actual output shaft that can turn a wheel.
Not if your system was designed sensibly: most of the power generated should go straight to the drive motor, with only the excess over the amount needed to move the car going to the batteries and incurring charge/discharge losses.
What you are now describing in post 60 is conveniences and "insurance" of sorts, not efficiency. My objection has always been the efficiency of the jury rigged $500 generator series hillbilly hybrid.