Originally Posted by ebacherville
I dont even like the seat belt laws.. forcing any one to conform is bad in my book..
However id love to see nice light cars with 6 point harnesses and a passenger cage.. And im all for the market providing airbags everwhere etc..
Also i think diesel is the wave of the future, and electric has possibilities if they can get ranges up into the 500 mil range then you could long distance travel with them .. 600 miles a day is all i need to sit in a car ever.. or ill take a plane..
Force by law is a no no but the market will demand what they feelis needed, and air bags are on of those things, dodge took the reigns on that one and now its hard to even find a decent used car without one.
I don't care if other people wear their seat belts or not, just as long as they die and take their brodozers with them.
Still curious why there isn't a "diesel hybrid" I am guessing it has to do with the heat necessary to keep diesels efficient (I think it could be remedied by a heater pack applied to the block or the oil pan, that's powered by the car's 12v while the car is in hybrid mode... then kicks over to ICE when the engine temps drop too low) or because of the emissions? Who really knows, we'll see what this new market brings.