Originally Posted by California98Civic
Interesting. Thanks. How might the vacuum help? Wouldn't a downward spoiler reduce the wake by taking the attached flow I know is coming down the window and sending it into the wake area? Wouldn't that reduce the wake area? Does that make sense?
Ill let the experts take the floor on the question about the vacuum pressure being good or bad.
I was
guessing based on a comment from an aero engineer that worked on the UCLA Future Car over a decade ago. The link is dead now, but there was a PDF write up about a partial boat-tail that was created for the car. At the tail end a section was hollowed out - the reason being that it created a bit of vacuum pressure at the tail end and pulled the wake in farther.
As far as having a downward slope to the extention, it might not do a thing, but i can't help but think of the back end of the dodge ESX-3 ( which had a fantastic Cd in the twenties. ( Note the trunk section )