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Old 05-10-2008, 01:31 AM   #44 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB, Canada
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Right now you are sitting (assuming on a chair in a house typing on a computer). I also assume you are getting some enjoyment out of it or you wouldnt be doing it? Point is somebody had to cut down some lumber to build the house, somebody had to drill the oil to make the plastic for your computer, somebody had to work in the rifinery to upgrade the oil. Somebody is working at a powerplant to provide the electricity to run your stuff. Some teacher had to provide 13+ years of education to you so you could read and write on this forum. The list goes on and on, but if all those people were not productive you could not be doing something as simple as typing on this forum. Additionally you need to be productive to afford the house, desk computer... Unless you want to live in a box under a bridge and eat garbage the world needs productivity, but again somebody had to manufacture the box the bridge and the garbage. The problem with Africa is nobody is doing anything so they dont have anything. Even the simplest things had to be produced by someone.

Productivity is not evil, I can use increased productivity for 2 things, either to have more stuff or to have the same amount of stuff and work less to get it.

Last edited by Duffman; 05-10-2008 at 01:39 AM..
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