Originally Posted by dcb
Dude, do an accounting of the losses of a series drivetrain, just once, without the rose colored glasses. The "efficiency envelope" for an ICE is also much larger than steady state cruise. This seems like a very unbalanced viewpoint you have.
Yes all drivetrains have losses, but driving the wheels directly gives the volt a 15% boost in efficiency, so that should be a clue as to how sloppy series is.
Military turbines top out at 56% eff, single RPM dc generators top out at about 95% eff, dc charge controllers top out at 98% eff depending on load, battery charging tops out at 80% eff with power to the wheels not having this loss.
So lets see, EVEN IF we charge the battery instead of directly driving the electric motor you end up with a minimum 28.8% EFF charging batteries and a max EFF of 52.1% driving the electric motor.
Why don't I take the motor loss in account? Because all of the ICE BS never does either, ICES also run 0%-35% real world EFF depending on load