Thread: Deer suck!
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Old 06-24-2011, 09:59 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Deer suck!

If you couldn't guess by the title of the thread, I hit a deer last night (or more aptly, the deer hit ME) which has pretty much ruined my car. I was driving approx 35 mph on an urban/suburban 2 lane street, when it literally "came out of nowhere".

As you can see from the pictures, it hit the side of the car destroying the front left quarter panel and denting in the drivers side door. The head of the deer is what smashed into the windshield. I was driving with my window down, which scared the bejeesus out of me! In the initial shock, I thought the deer had actually landed INSIDE the car!

Irony truly is theme of this story, though. The accident occurred less than 3/10 of a mile after I made a left turn onto the street from a highway exit ramp. As I approached the exit ramp, I let a speed demon driver fly past me, towards the red light at the off/on ramp intersection. I casually coasted past him as the light turned green (it is a double left turn lane) and merged in front of him. Then, 3/10 mile down the road, with the aggressive driver behind me... BAM. I wonder what the heck was going through his mind....

The story does end somewhat happily. I decided to bite the bullet and buy my first road bike! The hope is, if my car is indeed a total loss, I won't care too much. Learning how to ride it, though, is a new challenge for me. So far its looking harder than learning to drive stick.


Last edited by atomicradish; 06-24-2011 at 10:53 PM..
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