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Old 05-10-2008, 02:10 AM   #47 (permalink)
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My grandfather did not have an icebox, he used a cellar. My great-great-great-great grandfather probably salted his meat. My great^23 grandfather probably killed his meal.

Life has definitely increased in comfort, but that is the crux of the whole issue. The problem is that it is all relative. Our lives only seem easy now because we can compare them to the past. In reality, we are slaving away compared to what we expect our children's lives to be like.

Just like comparing the value of your productivity to the Jones', comparing your quality of life against others' is a losing proposition. Happiness comes from somewhere deeper than the material abundance and comfort of our lives. Happiness comes from meaning, which can only be obtained by comparing the value of your life against yourself.

I think our views are well established in this thread and I want you to know that I appreciate your viewpoint. You did make me reconsider some of my thoughts and helped define how I feel, but like debating politics, I think we might be exhausting the usefulness of this debate. Great debate, though.

- LostCause
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