so on my way to work:
47.2mpg up about +2mpg from my avg. 45.2 (30 trips or so)
On the way back home:
34mpg up about +2mpg from my trip average. (up the mountain)
Now im not sure if my test results are from my better driving ability or from my mud flap deletion, and side mirror deletion and front license plate deletion. These numbers are defenitely a bit higher then my average. Well these two numbers are my new personal bests round trip. so overall it seems like i gained 2mpg. so a 4.5% in overall FE. Aeromods do really work!!!! I have a few pics of my ride. Lets see if I can post these on here...
my overall cost for my mods so far are:
10$ gorilla tape. this tape is awesome for grill block
2$ 3m clear tape. Closing a few gaps on front of car.
Last edited by doomz78; 06-25-2011 at 11:15 PM..