To Kodak: I'm sure coroplast would work. I am more used to using about a 1/4 inch plastic sheet stock which would be heavier, but is quite strong.
This here is not about your app., but if any of you guys have seen the 2nd. gen. Camaro that Hot Rod Mag. ran at Bonneville; at first glance their MASSIVE airdam seems like so much mass, that it would slow the car instead of speed it up!
That's what leaves me would a little head scratching... in theory wouldn't something that so substantially help the top end speed work equally for mpg., One could say in theory, a 50mph tops Ecomodder app. needs less weight, and mass??? Where is the line for too much/not enough airdam???
Of course, each individual app. is different, but can anybody give me general principles in this??? Thanks!