I did. I sold my Subaru wagon getting 20 MPG for $500 and bought my Geo Metro for $1300. Last I checked I am averaging 45.6 MPG, and the last 90 days I've been getting 48.45 MPG. After 6 months of ownership it had paid for itself in the fuel savings alone (not taking into account the reduction in insurance, and what I sold my Subaru for), or 4 months if you consider what I made from the sale of the Subaru. I bought my car 14 1/2 months ago and have put on over 39k miles, adding up to a fuel savings over my Subaru of about $3600 so far.
Sometimes you just have to cut your losses to start making your money back.
Last edited by honestabe; 06-29-2011 at 07:15 PM..