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Old 06-29-2011, 09:02 PM   #17 (permalink)
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You want to reach your highest speed at the bottom of the hills. That speed should be in the range where you are not going to get a ticket or aggravate any other drivers.
In a Mustang GT you should have enough power to stay in highest gear at all times when you are applying power.

Basically the best way to understand the best tactic would be to think of it as a roller coaster, applying only enough power to overcome all losses and maintain your desired average speed. A squirt of high gear acceleration to get you to the top of the hill at the lowest speed tolerable to you and others, as long as you reach a reasonable terminal velocity at the bottom.

It really depends of the grade, distance between peaks, other traffic and speed limits in fine tuning your strategy, but you can achieve significantly better mileage than on level ground if you do it right, because you do not have to pulse and glide to higher speeds which exponentially increases your aero losses.

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