Thread: MPG calculators
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Old 06-30-2011, 04:24 PM   #7 (permalink)
The road not so traveled
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The Ugly Duck - '84 Jeep CJ7 Rock crawler
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Your talking about the Ford Ranchero?

Does it have an electric, clutch or direct driven flex fan?

Punching my best guess into the calculator I come up with a max of 22mpg between 35 and 45 mph. That is assuming you have a clutch fan, and a standard transmission.

weight 3500 lbs
crr .008 (a bit low I think)
Cd .45 (typical for a truck)
frontal area 20ft^2
Engine efficiency .20
Drivetrain efficiuency .85
Paracitic overhead 5000 (those fans really pull power)
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