Well had the chance to day to remove the tape and work in the 90+ degree heat, (Mistake#1). So I went to Home Depot and picked up some 10" x 10ft, aluminum roofing material to make my grille and fog deletes. Here was my journey.
This was all I needed as far as materials. The aluminum, a pair of shears, a sharpie, some rivets, a rivet gun, and something to make a template with. I had some abs plastic laying around.
Using my template material I made the template for the fogs first.
Once cut I taped them on the vehicle for fitment.
Now because my bumper is FUBAR, I decided to rivet the piece into it. It turned out to be real easy, but will leave permanent damage in the long run via drilled holes ... So a couple minutes of drilling and riveting and the first side is done.
Because the two sides are mirror images I simply cut two pieces at once and flipped it over for the other side, so basically rinse and repeat ..
Now I got lucky in that the same 10" piece fit as a main grille block, so I took a piece and laid it over for general sizing and held it in place with tape to get the best placement.
Once cut properly I used the same method, drill and rivet all along the sides until the side was complete. Now because of he compound curve and the deformed bumper these pieces may never sit flat unles they are flat. So expect some waviness as I have. I personally think that imperfection does not out weigh its benefit, but only time will tell.
And as before I cut 2 pieces at the same time, so I simply flip the other over and repeated the steps.
All in all the project took 2 hours, with multiple breaks to get out of the sun ... Cost of the project was less than $20 and I hope the returns continue as they have with the tape. Now as a final mod I am having some red vinyl cut to fit over the panels to not make them as obvious as they are.
Funny enough last night a cop pulled me over thinking the blue tape meant the vehicle was unsafe to drive. Once I explained myself he apologized and applauded my efforts. LOL
Since I had some spare time left from this project, I decided to gut the vibe a bit more for maximum weight benefit to my limits ... Enjoy ..