Yes, but it will provide information on whether or not the small amount of hydrogen that can be made with a cars electrical system makes a difference. If I cannot make a difference with a separate power source, I certainly cannot when the car is being loaded by the alternator. And tbh, an external power source is easier and safer for an idle test than risking overloading the alternator (the current draw of one of my designs is limited by the feed wires and nothing else. Granted a lot of it is steam and not H2/O2 though...).
If it shows promise while idling, I'll set the electrolyte concentration (and so current) low enough for the alternator to reliably handle and see if it has any effect with the system properly installed and driving. It's not the test to end all tests, it's just a backyard hack job to test for ANY effect. I'll leave the detailed, lean burn cruise, programmable management stuff for later.
Originally Posted by Crazyrabbit
In God we trust. All others: bring data