Good to see you here LmidgetD

I presume you are on TeamZX2? If not, then get there.
When you mod your car, you need to mod it around your drive/commute. I spend a lot of time at 50mph and holding it steady, so aero mods and lean burn really help. Aeromods won't help you if you are in the city or in traffic. So lets talk about your drive before you go too crazy.
I like to compare Basjoos vs. PaleMalnsian {sp} Basjoos has modded his car the highest degree and get's excellent results. PaleM. has almost no mods and just uses PAG to get excellent results as well. You should read up a bit on those guys and look at what they have done to get an idea of what you can do.
I have an ATX, so my commute is well suited to it. You have an MTX, so you have a bunch of options that are open to you adjusting the way you drive. On TeamZX2 you will see a little post I had about a 107mpg ZX2, read about that guy to get some ideas. I also got a worklog over their that covers almost all of my mods in some detail.
Ecomodding is a natural step from "tuning".
It is possible to have performance and mpg as well. 98% of the time, I am driving slow and boring, but occasionaly I like to take it to the drag strip