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Old 07-04-2011, 05:37 AM   #15 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Location: Oregon
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Sorry... don't wanna go off on too much of a tangent maybe more appropriate for another thread...

@some other dave

Yes, totally see all the campaign signs around... they just took them all down here a month ago...

So, I stopped by a couple of the local 'sign stores' here this week the see if they had corrugated plastic I could buy from them. It was harder than I expected! Many didn't have it in larger sizes, and the ones that had 4' x 8' sheets wouldn't sell it as stock. They wanted $100+ for them with the condition that they printed on it themselves.

I found a few sources on tha interwebs that sold 4' x 8' sheets, but they want $20 to $30 a sheet (depending on thickness), and required a minimum of 10 sheets per order... no doubt I could use ten sheets at some point for some project... but 300 bucks all at once in hard to choke down.

I think the campaign signs will be hard to glue all together, but kinda considering it at the moment. Maybe if I swing by one of the sign places and see them face to face, they may reconsider based on the 'cool' project I am attempting. Wishfull thinking, ha ha.

Thanks again
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