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Old 07-08-2011, 01:20 PM   #7 (permalink)
home of the odd vehicles
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The lightest easily found vehicles tend to be the Subaru 360 line including the sedan, sambar van and pickup. The pickup and van are the easiest to convert and weigh between 920-1050lbs with the motor and gas tank still in place.

The next lightest include the old Honda n360 & 600 and many of the old Japanese cars from the 60/70's era. Don't forget your spiders, fiats, triumphs, yugos etc as they are all lightweight.

My commuta is small but not aero, modify one to be aero and you would have a winner and best yet its already electric.

If you want something more modern the Miles ZX40 which already is an EV can be found as rolling chassis for very low prices and also weigh in under 2k and are narrow enough to be somewhat aero. You also only pay $19 every 2 years for NEV plates.

If you can fab sheetmetal well an old Sambar van and boattail the roof and rear end, this would get you something light, small and moderately aero due to the very small frontal area.

Otherwise you are stuck with standard sub compact hatchback cars from the 80's and 90's like the metro and again a boattail does wonders above 25mph. The insight (gen 1) works OK as well.

Good Luck
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