I think using good sense and taking some pride in how you drive makes you a better driver. One of the biggest contributors to safe driving is planning ahead, sometimes way ahead, and thinking about how you're going to handle a situation before it arises. I am COMPLETELY baffled by how many drivers out there never take 10 seconds to try and time their approach to an obstacle like a busy intersection, influx or bottleneck. It's SO easy to time a light so you don't have to jackrabbit yet people genuinely fail to grasp simple concepts like these.
I've driven in almost every state as well as in Kuwait, Iraq, Afghanistan and Qatar and I can honestly it was a lot of fun. I'm sure a lot of people would stress out in a crowded, busy and unorthodox driving situation but if you just drive it by feel instead of going by how things are supposed to be in some book you'll see there's a rhythm to it.