Originally Posted by redyaris
...The GS500 on the other hand will start at 100km/hr at the top of the hill and will be going 90km/hr - 100km/hr at the bottom EOC. I can only recall 2 or 3 times when the GS500 gained speed going down hill!
I experience the same with Teresa: she needs a pretty steep decline to accelerate without the engine, especially at these high speeds. To keep a lower pace like 50km/h (with the engine turned off) is much easier. Of course it's coded in the bad Cd.
But in the Alps she likes to coast too fast on downhills - yet the engine brake is just too strong to constantly use it

So I have to choose then what to waste: brake pads or gas... (because I have to start the engine at the transitions between engine braking and coasting)