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Old 07-15-2011, 04:41 PM   #32 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Vail, AZ.
Posts: 552

X-Car - '11 Homemade 2+2

Velbly1 - '17 Toyota Camery XSE
90 day: 29 mpg (US)

Velbly2 - '13 Toyota Tundra
90 day: 18.03 mpg (US)
Thanks: 174
Thanked 60 Times in 56 Posts
The Federal government tells us what to drive, as much as they can, by way of the EPA, NHTSA and who knows how many other regulatory organizations. These little trucks would be great for many things. Were in AZ they can be registered as OHV's for off road use, and now we have a law where you can make OHV's street legal. I have seen one of these little trucks on the road here. You used to be able to get one for about 1/2 the price of a Yamaha Rhino!
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