Originally Posted by wyatt
Just so you are aware, the picture in the link is talking frontal radiusing, not radiusing on the wall/ceiling or wall/floor. Although these are likely beneficial radii, and I am sure I could look in my Hucho book and find something, that's not what is being shown. (you likely already knew this, but it may help someone else)
I'd love to get my hands on Waters' original paper. If anyone has the means to track it down the reference [4.80 in Hucho 4th Ed] said Waters, D. M., "The Aerodynamic Behavior of Car-Caravan Combinations," Paper 4, Proc. of the 1st Symp. on
Road Vehicle Aerodynamics, London, 1969.
The solid curve seems like his empirical work with the dash curve for reference. In the English translated version of Hucho 4e (which I borrowed a few ago months via public inter library loan
but had to return
) the note over the dash curve said "Rectangular bock, all corners radiused."
We all know that rectangular boxes have 12 edges. What I'd love to fully understand is exactly which of those edges were meant by Waters in both the solid and dash curves. The stark difference in shape and scale between the two may be intuitively suggestive. Tracing it to the horse's mouth would be awesome!