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Old 05-12-2008, 01:35 AM   #33 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Tucson Arizona, USA
Posts: 14
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First Question:
how did you wire the alternator, espesially the regen braking.

Answer:I broke the connection between the voltage regulator and the rear brush within the alternator, then soldered a wire on each side of the break and brought those wires out of the alternator. Connect them togather, it charges, disconnect them it dosen't.
Regenerative braking occurs when you turn the alternator on.

Darin wrote:
Hi OldGuy, welcome to the forum. Sounds like you've set up a nice system.

Actually it is all experimental at present, made from stuff in my junk box, and taped in place. I haven't had it on for very long, so i don't have any results on gas saving. Also I have been recharging the battery by just turning the switch back on to normal charge, and burning any gas I might have saved up to recharge the battery. I don't even own a battery charger.

I have decided just today to order a solar charger and mount it on the hood permanently.
The panel that I am now looking at is 30 watt, 24.64 x 17.44 by only 0.3 thick, so I doubt that it will hurt the aerodynamics much. Here is a link to the panel:

I think Solar is a real option here in Tucson, so we will see.

Good thinking on the guess about the heated sensor Diesel John, but my metro has a two wire oxygen sensor so i don' think that is it.

In answer to Duffman's question, no, I was not shutting down the engine at stop lights.

It will be awhile before I get the panel, and I will keep you guys up to date as this experiment continues.

This a great place to exchange and share ideas & results. Take care all.
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