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Old 07-18-2011, 07:28 AM   #5 (permalink)
oil pan 4
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Total horse power is a secondary consern.
Due to my high compression (even for a diesel) and depending on boost pressure temperatures I think I should limit my self to 15 to 18 psi.
It has to be less than 300 horses. 250Hp is proven to be real safe on these motors.
Over all comparing the HE351VE to a GM4 and GM8 the Holset was more efficienct where I wanted it, the surge line was further to the left due to the silencer ring and modern compressor design and provided more LB/min at lower pressure more efficiently (the right side of the map also looked better than GMx).
The GMx turbos use 60mm compressors, where the inlet to the holset is 60mm.
Also building my own simple 3 stage boost controler and 3 stage water mist controler "black box".
I will be tossing the electronic controler used on the holset and replacing it with a air/mechanical controler of my own design.
You are right about me breaking new ground.
Other people have installed intercoolers on factory or banks setups, a few people have installed water injection and even fewer (like 2 people) have attempted to run a HE351VE on a 6.5L (non intercooled).
No one has tried to put it all together. Let alone put it all on an engine with a lot of internal modifications.

Last edited by oil pan 4; 07-09-2013 at 08:09 PM..
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