OPD or what ever its called...
limits filling to around 80% with a shut off valve.
when no hose is on it or in a case of big 500,000BTU weed burner torch and you open the valve it will stop flow.
vertical tanks are not to be used on there side, and same for the others.
tanks over 40LBs, and.....
RV truck camper tanks mounted side ways, manufactured before October 1, 1998 are not required to have the OPDprovided they are so labeled
only requer ment for those tanks is to be inspected 12 years from when there new and every 5 years there after.
standard 20lb BBQ tanks are 5 gal
1 86 T\D trooper with rare GEN 3 rods TRANS FIXED  NOW DD
1 86 4WD 5sp pup is 2.3L gas, but plan on 2.2L diesel repower
1 91 trop, long term plan is a group buy of imported Isuzu 4JB1-T 2.8L I-4 engines, hoping to get price down to 2K not 3K plus
1993 sidekick my MPG toy, epa rating 26.
i get 29/31 with stock drive train.