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Old 07-19-2011, 04:23 PM   #6 (permalink)
Fledgeling Aeromodder
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Posts: 33

Lillian - '93 Ford Escort Wagon
90 day: 34.98 mpg (US)
Thanks: 1
Thanked 1 Time in 1 Post
Happy '93 Escort Owner

Mine is a good serviceable car, gotten from my Mom in law.
Mine is the wagon version, EPA 25/31, 29 composite (how do they decide this?)
My mileage is mostly in town, pushing 36 mpg now with careful slow driving. I drive the 'back roads' as much as possible, speed 25-35 mph, staying off of the Interstate, coast engine OFF when I can. Drive without touching brakes. Engine off and coast to stop at redlights. 'Mild' hypermiling techniques.

Have front aero mods - top radiator intake blocked with rounded 'nose' in front of radiator, directs air up over top - smooth 'under chin' from lower radiator intake to transmission area, made of vinyl flooring (coroplast is an alternative).
Roof - remove luggage rails. (estimated at 5% total drag, and never used them )
Tires inflated to max sidewall. (40 or so, checked monthly)
Rear - mainly stock, KAMMback down for 'maintenance' (vandals broke it up).
Partial KAMMback was worth about 5mpg compared to current stock config (now doing extended ABA testing, in B phase, it is ugly)

When I had all my 'aero gear' going I could get about 42 mixed hwy/city, EPA mixed was 29 as I recall (Manual trans, with light AC useage)

It's not a Metro, but capable of much more than EPA thought likely.

I'm 54 now, have decided to drive this wagon til the wheels fall off, as they say.

Will (aka 'Brillig')
Where can I get the 1.21 GIGAWATTS of electricity that I need?
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