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Old 07-19-2011, 11:38 PM   #10 (permalink)
gone-ot walking...
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...the necessary "logic" sequence (2-digit digital control logic) would be:

0 0 = power-on RESET
1 0 = fan(s) are on
0 1 = speed >30-35 mph
1 1 = (a) fan(s) on & (b) speed>30-35 mph

...a single OR-gate will do the job. Here's how the OR-gate control logic would output "follow" the fan & speed inputs:

0 0 = 0 = OFF, shutters are closed.
0 1 = 1 = ON, shutters are commanded to open.
1 0 = 1 = ON, shutters are commanded to open.
1 1 = 1 = ON, shutters are commanded to open.

...where the two inputs are: 0 = no voltage, and 1 = 12VDC, etc.

...or, you could even have it respond as:

0 0 = 0 = OFF, shutters are closed.
0 1 = 1 = ON, one shutter is commanded to open.
1 0 = 1 = ON, other shutter is commanded to open.
1 1 = 1 = ON, both shutters are commanded to open.
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slowmover (07-22-2011)