Originally Posted by euromodder
Any chance you can run downhill in neutral without reaching too high a speed ?
Maybe by starting the rollercoaster ride slower.
I start the decent at the top at 55mph in gear, the grade is steep enough that, even with engine braking, I have to apply the brakes to slow the car from 70 to 55 at least 3 times before I get to the bottom. In neutral, I would almost have to drag the brakes the whole way.
Originally Posted by basjoos
The reason your coolant water temperature didn't drop below 196 while engine braking down the Old Fort grade was because you were continually putting energy into the engine. Just as using the friction brakes heats up your brake pads, using engine braking heats up the engine via friction and compressing air in the cylinders. All of that external rotational energy entering the engine has to go somewhere and it eventually gets converted into heat.
I guess that makes sense. I just didn't think the internal friction would generate that much heat.
Originally Posted by AeroModder
I ran into this problem with my scangauge. The DFCO calculation on the SG uses throttle position. My readings were funky while I was trying to get DFCO, so I just turned that feature off. Now my SG is spot on.
That could be it. I try to do as much DFCO as possible and the scangauge and the actual are always pretty close. Maybe next time I make the trip I will cut DFCO on the scangauge off and see what the results are.
Thanks for all the help and suggestions! Love the forum!