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Old 07-22-2011, 03:56 PM   #4952 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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Thanks Paul.

I may just go ahead and get the 500 amp version then. I am converting a 92 Geo Storm and will most likely use a 120v pack. My thinking was if I got the 1000 amp controller, I would have lots of leeway if I wanted to go to a 144v pack. Or, maybe later, transfer the 1000 amp controller to another vehicle if I wanted to build another ev.

I think the 500 amp controller will probably work for me just fine since it will just be driven around town with very liftt, if any, highway use. What are anyone's thoughts on having more leeway as far as amperage or have the majority experienced ample power from the 500 amp controller? Just wanted some feedback before dedicating funds. I do know that the Open Revolt charger is the best deal around. Guess you can tell I'm sorta new to all this.

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