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Old 07-22-2011, 08:08 PM   #25 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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chip truck - '93 ford F250HD DUALLY CONVERSION XLT
90 day: 12.89 mpg (US)

log truck - '93 Ford F-450/F-Superduty XLT
90 day: 9.17 mpg (US)
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custom built front air dam
so i finally got around to building my custom front air dam.
i had running boards on my old '96 f150 super cab (perfect length) that i kept.i used one of these.
i flattened it out by running over it with my heavy dually.
anyway.doesn't look half bad either i don't think.
perhaps a few running lights on it sometime to dress it up a bit can see where i used to have some still.not polished up yet,and the holes are still there.(look along the bottom.)
it does need a little more polishing to really brighten it up to match my under body toolboxes on each side.but i can do anytime.
it does make my rusty bumper look worse though haha.
when i eventually replace that bumper (its worse than it looks.there are actually large rust holes on each bottom side now.) i'll do something about adding a clean make shift trim between it and the bumper to really finish it off.

the air dam with my TTB front suspension (f250) and shorter tires: LT225/75/R16 (29.3X8.9) is 9.5" above the ground even still.

pic of behind too.
the running board is pretty near dang perfect,because it has two reinforced bars already.
simply got out the torch and made a couple notches up at the top where i wanted my bends,and bent it around to follow the bumper mostly,and then just drilled a hole on each outside and one in the center and bolted her on.come winter,when its time to hookup the plow,removal is easy as pie.
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I drive so slow and easy,Id put granny to sleep.
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