I tested out the onboard comp's new units (km/l instead of l/100km) and I'm not impressed. It turns out that the km/l is given with one place after the decimal, but it does not show every possible value, it skips many of them. Here is what I saw on the display while driving today:
23.8 -> 24.4 -> 25.0 -> 25.6 -> 26.3 -> 27.0 -> 27.8 -> 28.6 -> 29.4 (km/l).
In l/100km this would be:
4.2 -> 4.1 -> 4.0 -> 3.9 -> 3.8 -> 3.7 -> 3.6 -> 3.5 -> 3.4.
So my OBC is still using l/100km and just converting it to km/l

So I've switched back to l/100km, since the resolution is the same (in this case) and it is the unit which most people are used to. For example, it's easier to just show someone the 3.4 l/100km tank average on my display then to explain that "Actually, it's in km/l, but if you divide by this, then mutliply by that, then you'll get 3.4".
Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
I found out that the same window shades are available with different cartoon characters. Instead of a dragon I could have had a turtle!

That would suit me much better, but I dunno if I can spare another 3€ if I find it