the trip i would use this on is is 160 miles one way spend most of the day there over 12 hours sometimes all day and night leave the next day. the only public transport system is greyhound. i thought of usuing a fifth wheel design using a geared system to achieve the needed rpm to turn the generator at sufficient rpm. site says 3600. i think the 1856014 sized tires on my accent (if my calculations are correct) turn around 750 rpm. thought about using a motorcycle sprocket and chain i need to change the sprocket on my ninja anyway. also thought about putting it in a small trailer with the genertor being driven off of the axle. its turning anyway why not get something out of it. then i thought while the trailer is there i could put a extra battery pack in the trailer, when the pack in the car is low switch to the back up pack. have the generator charge the car pack while using the trailer pack. the only thing is that with new batteries you are only going to get 30 - 40 miles so i dont think i could charge the car pack before the trailer pack needed to recharge. i was just an ideal. my brother lives 160 miles away he is my computer electrical guy i am his fix anything guy, together we are wanting to build a ev there are 3 stops between my house and his but it is 159.6 miles from my drive way to his. i also thought that i could use the trailer to clean up the bad aero on the back of my car a boat tail if you will. im pretty sure i would need to charge the batteries in the car faster than i could. with in reason, a faster larger charger could do it but wouldn't i need at least 6 of them and thats only 72 volts that might barely get me to 55 mph ( if im right) please feel free to correct me im new to this and im trying to figure plan this out before i start it all.