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Old 07-25-2011, 07:30 AM   #21 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SentraSE-R View Post
Adding to the point of my earlier post, any American driving a car that averages <46 mpg is living beyond his/her means. The USA has to import oil because of all the Mikes who keep us in debt to the likes of Hugo Chavez and OPEC.
We import oil and do other things that compromise our security because people here have brokered deals and have done things legislatively and politically to make it that way.

No one said that we HAD to buy OPEC or Chavez's oil.

We don't "have" to do anything. If it came down to just using our own resources, we would have a national fleet with an average that would eliminate the need for outside resources. That could have happened a long time ago, but greed has no bounds.

We can't blame China, India, or anyone else for what we're in. Blame people here that said "ok, let's make a deal". Nobody put a gun to anyone's head and said sign this agreement for these bonds, t bills, stocks or commodities.

Blame the OEMs that can do better, but don't.

But most importantly, blame the populace for their ignorance, arrogance, and apathy.

Bet a whole bunch of people said, "it could never happen here, that happens in other countries."

Volvo WIA42 VED-12 / 335 hp / 1300 ft/lbs / 9 mpg

Big n' Boxy, Never met a Hill it Didn't Like

Last edited by cleanspeed1; 07-25-2011 at 08:56 AM..
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