7/12 - normal crank pulley
59.2 miles / 2.85 gallons = 20.8 MPG
7/28 - UDP
59.2 miles / 2.80 gallons = 21.1 MPG (+1.7%)
I got a slight increase over fuel consumption data collected over 2 weeks ago, but again I must stress that this improvement is barely above what could be considered noise.
I had to slow down to 55 MPH over a 2 mile stretch of I-77 south, due to road construction, where I would normally do about 72 MPH. That slowdown doubtlessly skewed my fuel consumption upward a little bit. It is likely that, had I not had to slow down, the improvement in fuel economy would be even less than what I saw tonight.
Hopefully, there will be no construction work on my return commute leg this weekend, and I'll be able to get a better reading.