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Old 07-28-2011, 05:16 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by paulhale View Post
I have the Haynes manual for this car. Will the PCV valve instructions be in there?
Yep, altho some VX's didn't have a valve, just the PCV hose with empty joints, others seem to have a valve that is held in place by the web between the two intake runners on the drivers side of the engine, others seem to have the valve on the oil separator box, fallow that hose that runs between those two intake runners down under the intake manifold (have someone with small hands help) and you will find another joint/pcv valve, if your idle bounces between 700 and 1,200 rpm at idle then that grommet where the PCV hose enters the oil separator box is often at fault and causing a vacuum leak.
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