Originally Posted by euromodder
What conditions must be met before the engine is shut down automatically?
The headlights must be switched off.
At least in the Audi A2 3L's equivalent, if not identical system, this is not entirely true. I've had the engine auto-shutdown with my lights on, although obviously, much less consistently than with headlights off.
I hope Vekke won't be hampered too much by this headlight precondition, as afaik in his native Finland, having your headlights on at daytime is mandatory.
Originally Posted by euromodder
Having the radio on can cause the 3L not to shut down !
That I can confirm on the A2. Sometimes, in colder weather conditions, switching off the interior ventilator or the windscreen wiper when coming to a halt at a traffic light will make the difference between having the engine shut off and leaving it on