45 minutes for 2 miles in Oshkosh, WI
On the way to EAA air show in Oshkosh Friday, I spent about 45 minutes to cover 2 miles. Traffic was crawling slowly, some stop and go, only one horn honker. The horn honker was a semi about 4 vehicles behind me. I could see that traffic was not moving for at least 1/4 mile ahead, and he could see farther. He was also racing his engine. At one point, he tried to go onto the shoulder, but the 1/2 ton truck behind me did the same to block him.
I was mostly able to move about 100 yards at a time by waiting for a gap, and doing a short accel, followed by EOC. Got 29.5 MPG for that 70 mile trip.
Important question: Should I have mooned him?