What can you tell me about drafting?
I've taken up drafting every day on my commutes.... For me M/G is not so important as M/G*M/T, so drafting is far better than the other techniques since it doesn't take you extra hours to get to the destination..
Can anyone tell me approximately, if I'm doing 70mph, 20ft behind a semi, how fast I would be driving without drafting to get the same mpg?
Also, is it really unsafe? Do I need to be 10-20 ft behind or is farther back OK?
Also, if there is a cross wind from say the right side of the road, am I better off behind the semi and to the left (in other lane if there is one)? I imagine say if the wind is, say 30mph, and we are travelling 70mph, adding the vectors together would give the direction of the stream I want to be riding in. Practically speaking probably in the same lane just shifting far over to the side as I can.