Thread: Actron 9185
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Old 08-03-2011, 12:41 PM   #5 (permalink)
gone-ot walking...
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...back in 2004, I bought an Acton #CP9135 OBDII 'AutoScanner' for our '99 Malibu (and still have it), but I am now counting on my SGII for diagnostics on our '09 Vibe (Toyota) and '11 Cruze. Will have to "see", as the Linear-Logic website states the SGII is not currently compatible with the '11 Cruze...athough some people seem to have no problems (which? Eco or other models).

...from the Acton manual: "Beginning January 1, 1996, vehicles old in the U.S. are required to be OBD-II compliant. However, a few vehicles were exempt since no changes were made to the engine."

...if that Toyota engine was also used in a U.S. car (GM?), there's a good chance that it can be read using GM codes instead of Toyota, because GM usually (but not always) included codes from their suppliers...try it. See if that engine was used on ANY U.S. GM product.
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