Originally Posted by shovel
Maybe I should just google it but didn't we get the mk3 here as the Mazda 323?
The Mk3 wasn't the same as the 323 AFAIK. The Fiesta Mk3 based Mk4 did form the basis of the Mazda (Europe only) 121 with it's Yamaha 1.25 and 1.4 16v Engines. This one had a rethink of the chassis and steering which kind of turned it from totally useless to actually, well, ok.
The Mk3 Fiesta was an absolute dog which lived on as the Fiesta "Classic" far beyond the time it should have been put to death.
I don't know if anyone remembers the 1990-ish disaster of marketing called the Ford Simulator, a CGA/EGA DOS based driving "game" for PCs based on the Ford range at the time. The US one included the Mustang, Thunderbird - er, yeah, etc.
The European version included the Ford Fiesta 1.1 Ghia... 0-60 in 16 seconds.
The Mk2 1.1 Ghia could do this in 13 seconds.