Originally Posted by redyaris
Game on!
2012 Vetter Challenge will be the day of reckoning, when we see whos' mpg is bigger. It would be quit impresive if we could get into the 80mpg range. 
What I am thinking is that cars are being aeromoded with very good result without access to changing the final drive gear ratios. Most cars start with much lower Cd's around 0.4 - 0.3. the average motorcycle has a Cd = 0.7 - 0.8. BMW got one of there production bikes down to Cd = 0.4 - 0.5. I would not be overly surprised if we could get down to the Cd = 0.4 - 0.3, at which point we could be in the 80mpg range without a change in final drive gear ratios. It will take time with lots of trial and error, but it is posible.
Hi Redyaris ,
A new bloke here ,could you tell me how you derived the above drag numbers ? I had always assumed a normal motorcycle with sit up and beg riding position had a cd of around 1.2 .Do you have a link that would help me ?