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Old 08-04-2011, 10:57 AM   #22 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by dcb View Post
FYI, I've gone to the stops with the gear changes on my 250 and my 125 and it is no problem for commuting purposes (I'm not small either)

took my 250 from a 47 tooth rear to a 37, no prob once you are used to it. The problem seems to be mostly one of perception.

took my cb125 from a 15 front to a 17 no prob, and have a 34 tooth rear en route(was 40). Here's some chicken scratch on gearing changes FYI (though I'm sure Old Mechanic has it all sorted out)
Perception of what? A lot would depend on where you live and ride (commute).

Driving a CB125 in traffic in some areas of the US would border on insanity, gearing it up 10 teeth would be lethal.

Performance is safety in some situations.

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