Originally Posted by Steven Wrigley
Its no use convincing her either. She says if Im ever in a accident Ill be wishing I was in a 11 mpg truck. Which is probably right.
Your mother is going to get you killed if you keep listening to her. The energy in a collision has to go somewhere- do you really want your ribcage and skull to be the crumple zones? I'd rather be in a car that's designed to die by absorbing that energy for me. What you need is a car. Selling the truck might not be a good idea, but using it to lug nothing but yourself 40 miles a day is wrong.
Originally Posted by cleanspeed1
Oh yeah. Like, what is somebody going to do with an near 7000-8000 pounder that has 400+hp and near 800 ft/lbs of torque and not tow anything; I've been around long enough to remember when semi trucks weren't that powerful. Add to that the $50-60k to get one.
As Jon Stewart once said, "Hey! That can tow the boat I don't own up the mountain I don't live near!"