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Old 08-05-2011, 08:53 PM   #112 (permalink)
Stick your neck out...
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t vago - I was on your side!
But since you posted, I will explain.
I posted racelogic in order to give you an opportunity to review the technology but since you did not, I will summarise thus - although traction limiting conditions only occur for relatively short periods, the same unit has engine speed limiting capabilities including "launch control" which can operate for very long periods at high cut percentages, without fault code recognition
My first-hand experience is at variance with your theoretical knowledge, without declaring a loser shall we leave it that "the proof is in the pudding"?

Why is it so hard for you to believe that this could work? Cut the guy some slack. We should be champions of new and original thinking, not strangling things at birth! Lets see if he can do some proper testing and declare some fair results, then subject them to objective criticsm.
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