My Aerotail on Audi A2
After seeing some boattails online. I decided to built one that also functions as a luggage carrier. So we can go camping with our 2 kids, bring all the stuff and not have to use an mpg-killing trailer or roofrack.
I used a trailerhitch bikerack as a base. It can tilt so you can open the trunk.
When I drive around 65 M/h on the highway, I get 10% more Mpg.
I once got 92Mpg (2,5 l/100Km) on a 135 mile trip, with 4 people and full of luggage.
I'm thinking of making a foam rim to fill the gap between the car and the tail and to improve the bottomside of the tail.
I can still see through the upper part of the rear window.
I have a webpage (in dutch) with more pictures.
I also made an electric recumbent motorcycle.
I'm a friend of the guy who made the mintcolored fully faired honda.
I still have to make a better fairing for it.
Last edited by theo22; 08-06-2011 at 05:40 PM..
Reason: extra info