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Old 08-07-2011, 09:01 PM   #42 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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A place for political discussion would be good.

But not here on ecomodder. In the long running thread about my Aerolid, a young Marine posted on the thread from Afghanistan. That is rough duty in a dangerous Country. I repiled to him thanking him for his interest in the Aerolid and then I went on to thank him for his service to our country.

I now want to educate those who confuse politics with Patriotism. Support for our fellow Americans who serve this country in our Military is not political. Those 30 brave American soldiers, mostly Navy Seals, who lost their lives Friday is not POLITICAL! They were Americans. My little brother who is slated to re-deploy to Iraq is not POLITICAL! They are warriors. They choose to put thier lives in harms way in service to our Country.

I know several Navy Seals. They are a special breed of men, very intelligent, capable and brave. It is like the young Marine in Afghanistan who answered back in response to a post on the Aerolid thread which treatened to lock the tread if I did'nt keep the politics out of it because I had thanked this young Marine for his service.

The young Marine said he was confused if it was anything he had said which had caused a threat to lock the thread. Then he said if it was due to me being supportive of him and his fellow soldiers who are also in harms way that this threat was made about locking it, then he said "I hope I never met them on the street!"

If it does come down to a street fight, I'll have that young Marines back, who may well have my little brothers back someday while he is in Iraq. My Navy Seal friends will have my back, for I am willing to give my life for this Country as did the 30 fellow brave Americans who lost theirs in Afghanistan on Friday.

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